Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tips to beat the heat while working around your house this summer

When you’re a DIYer, it’s not unusual to have a variety of projects to work on over the summer. Some projects require warm temperatures and long days to get everything done, while others just happen to pop up during the summer months. Regardless of the reason you’re working on things during the summer, there’s one inevitable truth that you’ll have to face: It can get really hot when you’re working on things around the house during the summer months and into early fall.

Obviously, every summer sees higher temperatures than other seasons. In recent years, though, we’ve experienced some of the hottest summers on record. Too much heat and sun exposure can cause a variety of serious health issues including heat stroke and heat exhaustion, so it’s important to play it safe when you’re working out in the sun. Here are just a few things that you can do to avoid heat-related problems.

Stay Hydrated

This one should be obvious, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t drink enough during the hot summer months. Increase your water intake before, during and after any periods where you’ll be out in the heat and sun. As hard as it is to hear, you should also try and avoid coffee, tea and other drinks with caffeine before going out in the sun as well, because the caffeine content can actually make you lose more water. Avoid sugary carbonated drinks and alcohol, though the occasional sports drink or other beverage with electrolytes won’t hurt, since your body needs electrolytes for proper functioning, as well.

Take Your Time

Depending on the conditions you’re used to, it can take anywhere from 7 to 14 days for your body to get used to high temperatures. If you’re going to be working outside a lot in the heat, then you should increase your heat exposure gradually. If you’re used to air conditioning, trying to take on a full workload outdoors can significantly increase your risk of heat-related health problems. Instead, try tackling smaller tasks with big breaks between until your body gets accustomed to being out in the sun.

Dress for the Weather

When it’s hot, it’s tempting to wear as little as possible. This can be a bad idea when you’re working outdoors, though. Not only does less fabric increase your risk of sunburn but it can also make you more likely to experience some sort of injury when you’re working. Contrary to what might seem logical, you should cover up more when working out in the heat. Cover as much of your skin as possible with light-colored, lightweight material that’s loose enough that it doesn’t cling to your body. Choose a fabric that breathes, or clothes made of wicking material designed to help keep you cool. Don’t forget a hat and sunglasses or other eye protection, either. Not only will this keep you from getting burned, but it will also slow down the rate at which your sweat evaporates (which is a good thing, as it will keep your body cooler than sweat that evaporates quickly.)

Build Some Shade

One thing that can make a big difference when working outside is having a little bit of shade to take a break in. In some cases, you’ll have plenty of trees or other overhangs to create shade for you. If you’re not that lucky, build a small shelter from the sun using some posts and a tarp or other material that can block the sun (making sure that you only cover the top and not the sides to allow for airflow.) If you really want to maximize the value of this cool-down spot, set up a fan that you can turn on to create a little bit of artificial airflow, if there isn’t any breeze when you stop for a break.

Watch for Warning Signs

Common signs of heat-related illness include greater-than-expected amounts of sweat, confusion, lightheadedness, slurred speech, dry skin, increased body temperature and loss of consciousness. If you start to notice any of these issues, get out of the heat immediately and seek medical assistance, if necessary. Since some of these symptoms can be hard to identify in yourself, it’s also not a bad idea to have a friend or family member come check on you at least once an hour to make sure that you aren’t starting to show signs of overexposure.

Need an Extra Hand?

One way to keep from overdoing it in the sun is to bring in an expert to help get the job done. As days start getting shorter, this is a great time to sign up for a free account with HomeKeepr and find the pro who can help you wrap up all of your outstanding summer projects.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Exterior brick care

Having brick siding installed on your house gives it a classic look. Unfortunately, a lot of people view brick as an install-it-and-forget-it option and allow that look to deteriorate over time. Brick homes require basic maintenance and care just like vinyl and wood siding do, though the specifics of maintenance may be a little bit different. It’s just like with anything: If you want the look, you have to put in the work to keep it up.

Fortunately, maintaining your brick isn’t that difficult. Even better, the maintenance you do now can help prevent your brick siding needing major repairs in the future. So long as you’re willing to put forth a little effort, you should be able to keep your home looking great for years to come.

Cleaning Your Brick

The brick on your home is exposed to the elements on a 24/7 basis, and the rough surface of most bricks make them ideal for picking up dust and dirt. This can lead to damage over time, so once or twice a year you should take the time to clean your bricks. Most of the time this is as simple as spraying them down with a garden hose to remove any dirt and grime that’s built up on your home, though particularly tough spots and areas may need a scrub brush with soapy water as well. Avoid the temptation to use a power washer as the high water pressure can damage the brick.

Vegetation and Mildew Removal

While some plants such as ivy provide what some consider a dignified look, any vegetation that grows on your brick will damage it. Remove any vines, moss or other plants that you notice growing up your brick wall, making sure to wear gloves in case the plant is something that you don’t want to touch like poison ivy. You should also periodically check your brick for signs of mildew or mold, both of which can damage the brick surface as they grow. Scrub the area where you notice these growing, spraying them with a diluted solution of bleach and water to kill off any remaining remnants or spores. It’s a good idea to wet down the brick before you spray it, though, as this will prevent bleach from collecting in deeper contours of the brick and causing discoloration.

Checking for Damage

There are two types of damage you should check for at least once per year when you have a brick home. The first is impact damage, resulting from something hitting the brick and causing cracks, chips or other damage to it. This can come from a variety of sources, including things as ordinary as a lawnmower throwing a rock. The second type of damage to look for is water damage, which occurs when rain or splashing water repeatedly hits an area of the brick and starts to wear it away. Both of these can damage not only the bricks but the surrounding mortar as well. When damage is found, scrub the area to remove any loose material and keep an eye on the area to see if the damage gets worse over time. If the damage is caused by splashing water or other environmental issues, you might also adjust your landscaping or install additional drainage to redirect water and prevent further damage.

Repointing and Repair

As brick and mortar become damaged, you may need to make repairs from time to time. If the damage is just to the mortar, scrape and chisel away any damaged portions and apply new mortar to the entire area where wear and damage is present; this is typically known as repointing. If there are bricks that are damaged to the point that they need to be replaced, chisel away the mortar surrounding those bricks until they can be removed. Apply fresh mortar and new bricks to fill the damaged area.

Getting It Just Right

If the thought of replacing bricks or mortar intimidates you, we can help. Sign up for HomeKeepr today and we’ll help you find the masonry professional that can get the job done exactly the way you want it.

Friday, August 23, 2019

September Steve & Jack's Home News

Welcome to the end of summer! It seems as if school just let out for the year and here we are back at it again! We hope you did enjoy your summer and created some fun and lasting memories. If you have kiddos in school, hopefully the transition back to school was a smooth one and you are settling back into your routine.

Real estate usually cools a bit from July 4-mid-August and, after another white-hot spring, that is usually a welcome respite for most agents, buyers, and sellers alike so we can catch our breath. The market is already picking back up again, as usual for the fall push before it quiets down a bit mid-November for the holidays.

Interest rates have fallen again and are averaging around 3.75% right now, which is an extremely good rate. If you or someone you know is thinking of buying/selling/building yet this year, please give us a call. The market is good and the interest rates are even better making for the perfect combination!

Back-to-school for Steve's family has been pretty good, but stressful for Ana as she started her freshman year at Westfield High School. It is hard to believe she turns 14 in little over 1 week! With such a big school and large student population, it does take quite a bit of getting used to, but she seems to be adjusting well and finding her way around as well as settling into high school classes and teachers. She started up her last year with the Indianapolis Children's Choir this week and the hectic schedule they lead. She is also having fun with her rock band and performing around Carmel/Westfield. Let us know if you would like to come and see her band perform. They are actually quite good! Tali is loving her 4th grade teacher at Maple Glen and still practices 4 days/week for gymnastics. She still seems to love it, so we will keep running a taxi service until she says otherwise!

Jack & Mary Anne absolutely loved their trip to Switzerland and Germany and enjoyed the castles, cathedrals and mountains. They have one more trip to Fairfield Glade with some friends and then enjoy being at home for the foreseeable future.

Kylie and her family are doing well and back into the swing of things with the new school year. She continues to add systems to our team to provide an even higher level of service to our clients. Our newest teammates Patti Sircy who is our Director of Marketing and Thea Charnas who is our Buyer Specialist are both fitting in extremely well. If you have had the pleasure of working with them, you know just how good they are and they are both learning so much in such a short amount of time. They both have been such great additions to our team!

Here are the most recent MIBOR stats comparing July 2019 to July 2018:
Median Sales Price-UP 5.6% to $190,000
Closed Sales-DOWN 1.9% to 20,026 units
New Listings-DOWN 2.0% to 25,813 units
Pending Sales-DOWN 0.1% to 22,497 units
Days on Market-DOWN 10.2% to 44 days
Price per s.f.-UP 4.7% to $111
% of Ask Received-DOWN 0.2% to 97.8%
Active Inventory-DOWN 2.1% to 6,015 units
Absorption Rate-DOWN 5.6% to 1.7 months
We hope you are looking forward to our 7th Annual VIP Client Appreciation Event on December 7th from 8:30-11AM! We will be showing the newly-released Frozen 2 and will have our popular caricature artist return again this year as well as food, fun photos, and good times. Look for your invitation in the mail in the coming weeks.

Also, look forward to Pictures with Santa again this year. We will be sending out invites in the coming weeks. It is always fun and you get some great photos to include with your holiday cards.

Have you been able to attend one of our monthly Happy Hours this year? We would love to see you! Please stop by our next one on Thursday, September 19th from 5-6:30PM at Matt The Miller's in Carmel. Free food and drinks on us as a thank you for being a loyal client/referral partner.

Check out this month's newsletter full of fun articles, stories and tidbits. We also are mailing these via USPS. If you aren't receiving it and would like a copy, please let us know and we will put you on the list!

Click here to read our September newsletter

Click here for coupons and discounts at stores you shop every day

Click here for a 1-minute video explaining what happened this month in real estate

Click here to see what some of our clients are saying about us

Click here to learn about our Senior Advantage Program

Click here to download the most powerful real estate app available

Thank you for being a client/referral partner and know we appreciate you! Because our business is built strictly on introductions from clients and referral partners we need your help. Who is the next person you know who is thinking about buying/selling/building a new home? Please connect us so we can help them achieve their real estate goals and feel confident they are receiving the highest level of service. Again, thank you!!!

Your friends in real estate,

Steve, Jack, Kylie, Thea, & Patti

P.S. Please don't keep us a secret.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Decoding New Windows

New windows can make a huge impact on your home. Not only can installing new windows make your place look better, but those windows can also make it a lot easier to heat and cool as well. Sure, replacing old windows can eliminate drafts, but that’s only a small part of how installing new windows can increase your home’s energy efficiency.

Information about the efficiency of new windows is printed on a sticker that’s attached right to the glass. Unfortunately, if you don’t know what you’re looking at then these stickers may raise more questions than anything. If you need a little help understanding exactly what you’re looking at on your window sticker, here’s a rundown of everything you need to know.

What’s the U-Factor?

When looking at window stickers, two values are listed as “Energy Performance Ratings.” The first of these is the U-Factor, which provides information about the insulating ability of the window. This is similar to the R-Value that you find on insulation, and the U-Factor value will usually be somewhere between 0.20 and 1.20 on new windows. The lower this value is, the better the window is at insulating your home and preventing heat transfer between the inside and outside. If you want to think about this in terms of R-Value instead, simply divide 1 by your U-Factor value and you’ll end up with the corresponding R-Value (so a U-Factor of 0.20 would correspond to an R-Value of 1 ÷ 0.20 = 5, while a U-Factor of 1.20 would correspond to an R-Value of 1 ÷ 1.20 = 0.83.)

What About Solar Heat Gain Coefficient?

The other value listed under “Energy Performance Ratings” is the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC). This measures how much heat is transferred through the window from sunlight (as opposed to the air heat transfer that is indicated by U-Factor.) The SHGC scales between 0 and 1, with lower values indicating a greater ability to block heat transfer from sunlight.

What Is the Visible Transmittance?

Beyond the “Energy Performance Ratings” entries on a window sticker, three other values are also provided to help you choose the window that best fits your needs. One important listing among these additional performance ratings is Visible Transmittance (VT). As with SHGC, the VT of a window scales between 0 and 1. In most cases you will want a high VT, however, as it indicates how much light passes through the window glass to provide daylight for your home.

What’s the Condensation Resistance Rating?

As the name suggests, the Condensation Resistance (CR) rating of a window indicates how well it can resist the formation of condensation on its surface. This not only indicates how likely you are to experience “fogging” and liquid condensation but can also indicate the likelihood of frost formation in the winter as well. This rating ranges from 1 to 100, with higher CR numbers indicating a greater resistance to condensation.

What Does Air Leakage Mean?

Another important performance rating is Air Leakage (AL). As the name implies, this measures how much air can leak through the window and affect the internal climate of your house. These values typically scale between 0.1 and 0.3, with lower values indicating a smaller amount of air leakage. One thing to keep in mind is that this is considered an optional rating, meaning that not all manufacturers will provide AL data; as a result, some window stickers might only have ratings for the other four values.

Need Help Crunching the Numbers?

Even knowing what the numbers on your window stickers mean, finding the window that has the best balance of these values for your home can be tricky. If you aren’t sure which windows to buy, let the pros at HomeKeepr help you find the perfect window for your needs. Because our system is built on recommendations instead of generic ratings, you can rest assured that the professional you choose will be just the right fit.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Should you pre-pay your mortgage?

A mortgage is one of the biggest single debts you’re likely to willingly take on. As such, being able to properly manage your mortgage is very important. With so many options when it comes to loans, repayment and refinancing, it can all get a bit confusing. One point in particular that you might hear a lot of talk about is prepaying your mortgage.

Should you prepay your mortgage? Should you focus on other things first? Before rushing into prepayment, make sure you have all of the information first. We’ll start by looking at exactly what mortgage prepayment is and how it works.

What Is Mortgage Prepayment?

As the name suggests, mortgage prepayment is the act of paying some or all of your mortgage principal before it’s actually due. This can take a number of forms, from paying a higher amount than the actual payment that’s due each month to making additional payments in months where you have money to spare. Some homeowners even make a single large additional payment every year after getting a tax return. Regardless of the specific form that prepayment takes, the end result is the same: More of your outstanding mortgage balance gets paid off, resulting in a decrease in both the amount that you still owe and the amount that interest can be applied to.

What Are the Benefits of Prepaying?

There are several benefits to prepaying your mortgage, regardless of how often the payments are made. Consider the following and how they might apply to your mortgage situation:

Faster repayment of the mortgage loan
Decreased cost of the mortgage over time
Equity is accrued at a faster rate
Prepayment reduces principal, making it easier to qualify for refinancing
Essentially, prepayment gives you more control over your loan and helps you to save money, build equity and pay off the loan faster. Because you’re paying it down at a faster rate, you’ll likely have an easier time refinancing for a better interest rate and loan terms down the road as well. And since the prepayment is optional, you can always skip prepayments and simply pay the monthly payment due if money is tight. Because of this, many people choose to incorporate prepayment plans into their overall preparations for retirement.

Are There Any Downsides?

While there are definitely benefits to prepaying your mortgage, there are potential downsides as well. Some mortgages, especially those with adjustable rates, are designed to not allow prepayments; if you attempt to prepay on the mortgage, this can trigger a penalty fee. Additionally, some lenders only accept prepayments in certain forms and will apply any other money received as simply an early payment against the next month (which means that the money will go toward interest and principal and not just your principal loan balance.) Attempting to prepay when you have significant debt elsewhere or don’t have a safety net built up for yourself isn’t a good idea, either; your mortgage likely has a lower interest rate than most if not all of your other debts, so you may be better off paying them off and building up savings and retirement funds first before you start worrying about prepaying a mortgage.

Should You Prepay Your Mortgage?

Whether or not you should prepay your mortgage depends on a number of factors. You should consider the type of mortgage you have, how much your monthly mortgage payments are and what your interest rate looks like. You should also take a look at your overall finances and how well prepared you are for emergencies and retirement; it’s possible that your money would be better off going elsewhere at the moment. Even if prepayments seem feasible and affordable, make sure that your lender accepts prepayments without penalty and that you know how they prefer to receive prepayments. Those extra payments won’t do much good if your lender simply applies them against interest or charges you a penalty fee because prepayments aren’t allowed by your loan.

Making the Right Decision

Deciding whether or not to prepay your mortgage is a big decision. If you’re not comfortable making it alone, let HomeKeepr help you find a mortgage expert who’ll assist you in weighing all of the pros and cons. Sign up today and find the advisor you need based on recommendations from the people you trust.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Proper Paint Disposal

A lot of DIY projects involve paint. Unfortunately, the majority of them don’t use the exact amount of paint that comes in the cans you buy. This leaves you with extra paint that you don’t have anything to do with, and over time you might even build up quite a collection of excess paint cans. Don’t just dump them out or throw them away, though… doing so is illegal in most areas. If you’re not sure what to do with all of the paint you’ve got left over, here are a few things to think about.

Know What You’re Dealing With

The very first thing you should do when getting ready to dispose of the paint you’ve used for a project is to identify the type of paint you have. You should have either oil-based paint or latex paint, and if you aren’t sure then you need to check the label. There are typically more options available to dispose of latex paints than oil-based paints, so taking the time to figure out which type of paint you have is essential to make sure you don’t dispose of your paint in a way that could get you in trouble.

Let It Dry

If you have latex paint to dispose of, you should be able to throw it out once it has dried. If there is only a little bit of paint left in the can, you can accomplish this by simply leaving the lid off of the can for a few days until it dries out. If you have a larger amount of paint, you’ll need to get at least some of it out of the can first. Consider pouring at least some of the paint into a cardboard box that you’ve lined with a plastic bag or otherwise sealed to prevent leaks. You can also apply the paint over cardboard, wood or paper with a brush or roller to create thick coats that you then allow to dry. If you still have unwanted paint, commercial hardening agents are also available that you simply mix into the paint and wait while the paint hardens.

Soak It Up

As latex paints are soluble in water before they dry, you can take advantage of this by diluting the paint with additional water. Once the paint is suitably watery, pour it over absorbent materials such as paper or foam. Allow these to dry and then dispose of the materials that will have the remaining paint soaked into them. If drying seems to be taking a long time, try setting the wet items outside and spreading them out as much as possible. The heat, sunlight and increased surface area will increase evaporation speeds, resulting in a faster overall drying time.

Upcycle the Paint

Before you get rid of your latex or oil-based paint, think about whether you have any upcoming projects that could benefit from it. Using the paint for other projects will help you to use up whatever’s left of the paint and will also save you from having to buy additional paint when those projects come around. It could even be that you have a project planned that you hadn’t originally considered painting at all but that might benefit from a coat of paint. Even if you don’t have any future painting projects coming up, others might; ask any DIYers that you know if they need paint or check online for DIY groups in your area that trade paint and other supplies.

Safe Disposal Services

Knowing where to recycle or otherwise dispose of liquid paint is important, especially if you have oil-based paints that can’t simply be thrown away. Recycling centers, environmental groups and hazardous waste disposals often have paint recycling and disposal services that accept both latex and oil-based paint. If you aren’t sure where to look, check online or ask around at local hardware and paint supply stores to get recommendations.

Still Not Sure?

At HomeKeepr, we have pros of every variety waiting to help you. You can even find someone to advise you on what to do with your leftover paint, or who’ll be willing to come pick it up and take care of it for you! Sign up now and take that first step toward cleaning up your act (and your garage, and your workshop…)

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Gift of Equity

Real estate can be a tricky business. You put your home on the market, people make offers and there’s a lot of back-and-forth to make sure that everyone gets what they believe is the best deal. There are a lot of gray areas that make things more confusing, too. What if you’re selling your home to one of your own children or another relative and don’t want them to have to pay a bunch of fees and down payments? Maybe you don’t even want to profit off the sale at all… you just want them to be able to cover the remainder of the mortgage. Depending on the situation, using a gift of equity may be a better option to help make the sale happen.

What Is a Gift of Equity?

As you make payments against your mortgage, the amount that’s owed against your home decreases while the value of the property remains the same. The higher the value is, in comparison to what’s still owed against it, the more equity the home is said to have. You’ve likely heard about equity-based loans or other ways to use equity as a form of security, and they all come down to the concept that your home is worth more than what’s actually owed to pay off the remainder of its mortgage.

If you’re selling your home to a member of your family, in many cases you can use this equity to their advantage. A “gift of equity” is the practice of using the property’s own equity as a down payment for someone wanting to buy the property. This not only saves your family member money but may also qualify them for a better loan or lower mortgage payments if they’re borrowing to pay the remaining difference.

Selling Your Home

Before you can sell your house using a gift of equity, you have to determine the actual value of the property. This has to be a fair market appraisal, and if there’s a lender involved, then they may wish to choose the appraiser. You will also need to document any details relevant to the gift of equity, such as establishing a relationship, providing proof of residency (as well as any rental terms, if they apply) if the buyer already lives on the property and any additional details that are relevant to proving that both of you have a qualifying relationship and that you wish to make the gift of equity.

There are also issues such as closing costs and escrow fees that may have to be taken into account. In most cases, though, these can be covered by seller concessions (where you agree to absorb the costs by taking less of the sale price for yourself) as you are allowed concessions of up to 6 percent of the sale value in most cases. You will also need to draft a gift letter for use by both the lender and the IRS, which as you might guess, means you also have to pay taxes on the value of the gift.

Is It Actually Allowed?

In most cases, there is nothing preventing you from selling your home using a gift of equity so long as the buyer is a spouse, child. dependent or other individual with an established blood or legal relation to the seller. This includes both blood relatives and those who are adopted or placed under legal guardianship of the seller. Fiancés and domestic partners can typically qualify as well, so long as it’s allowed by the jurisdiction in which you live. Friends, non-related roommates and other unrelated buyers do not qualify.

The big thing to remember when it comes to selling your home using a gift of equity is that the rules for doing so will vary depending on where you live and the equity gifting program you use. There can actually be some pretty significant differences from one program to the next, so you definitely shouldn’t rush into selling with a gift of equity until you’ve done some research to see what the best way to do it in your state is. With that said, if you do your due diligence, this can be a good way to pass on property to a loved one, provided you avoid the potential pitfalls.

Ready to Sell?

Just because using a gift of equity to sell your home can be tricky doesn’t mean it has to be. With HomeKeepr you can find a seasoned real estate professional to guide you through the process every step of the way to ensure that you get the best possible experience. Check it out today and you’ll be on your way!

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Outdoor fireplaces

Adding an outdoor fireplace can be a great way to liven up your backyard or patio area. Not only do outdoor fireplaces provide a unique visual aesthetic, they can also serve a functional purpose. Even though it’s outside in the open air, the heat produced by an outdoor fireplace can actually keep the surrounding area fairly warm on cool autumn evenings. Before you decide to have an outdoor fireplace installed, though, there are a few things you should take into consideration.

Fireplace Materials

Depending on the look and functionality you want, there are a few different options available in regard to what your fireplace can be made of. Commercial outdoor fireplaces made of iron, steel or other metals are available for purchase and installation as-is. If you’re building the fireplace itself, materials such as concrete, brick and stone are often used. In many cases, a concrete or stone fireplace will feature supplemental components made of metal such as fireplace grates and racks to hold logs or other fuel.


Another important aspect of your outdoor fireplace is the chimney. Even though the fireplace is outside, you still need to divert smoke up and away from you and your guests as there are a number of hazardous materials found in fireplace smoke. A number of options made of metal or other heat-resistant materials are available, and it is also possible to build a chimney from brick or stone as well. Even if the chimney is constructed from one of these materials, a liner may be needed to prevent smoke from leaking out of cracks or gaps in the chimney construction.

Fuel Options

Wood is the most popular fuel option for outdoor fireplaces, though it is not the only one. Propane fireplaces are also a possibility, though fuel lines will have to be run through the fireplace material so that the tanks can be hooked up safely away from the fire. Other less common options include pressed wood pellets, charcoal and even some forms of biofuel.

Cooking Options

Many people who own outdoor fireplaces use them for cooking as well, allowing the fireplace to double as a rotisserie or a wood-fired pizza oven. This may restrict some of your fuel options as the fuel needs to be food safe, and the fireplace design will need to incorporate a large enough chimney to prevent excess smoke from building up around the food. Depending on the design you want, additional components such as metal cooking grates, a heat stone, rotisserie controls or other features may also be needed.

Cleaning and Maintenance

As with any fireplace, an outdoor fireplace will require periodic cleaning and maintenance. This is especially important before winter as the fireplace will be exposed to potential freezing temperatures and other inclement weather that could cause cracks or other damage to appear. The fireplace should have a visual inspection every few months for signs of problems and should have its chimney cleaned at least annually. After any period where the fireplace has not been used for more than a few weeks, the chimney should also be checked to make sure that birds or other animals have not attempted nesting or otherwise created potential blockages within the chimney.

Other Considerations

Before installing an outdoor fireplace, be sure to check and see whether there are any restrictions or ordinances in place in the city where you live. If you’re in a homeowner’s association, you should also check to see if they have any rules concerning outdoor fireplaces. You may be restricted in the materials you can use, the fuels you can put in it, the height of your chimney and even the location of the fireplace, in regard to nearby vegetation or buildings. Installing an outdoor fireplace without checking this first could result in fines or possibly even having to remove the fireplace entirely.

Ready to Build?

Now that you have a better idea of what you’ll need, are you ready to find someone to build or install an outdoor fireplace for you? Check out HomeKeepr to find a professional you can trust who will help you create the outdoor fireplace of your dreams.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Smart appliances 101

It seems like everything is getting smart these days. First the phones were smart, then the thermostats. Now you can buy smart lighting, smart locks, smart cameras and even smart little sensors that can tell you when there’s a water leak or a window is unlocked. What about your appliances, though?

Smart appliances do exist, and they’ve seen a significant increase in popularity in recent years. They offer several useful features, including smartphone interactivity and increased energy efficiency. Consider the following to see if smart appliances are right for you.

What Makes Them ‘Smart’?

So-called “smart” devices are called this because they offer functionality beyond what you would receive from a non-smart version of the device. Smartphones run apps and feature options such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC payment options that standard cellular phones don’t. Smart thermostats are programmable and can read temperature data from multiple sensors to create a more comfortable environment throughout the whole home. The same convention applies to smart appliances: They can do things that your regular appliances can’t.

Smart Microwaves

There are a few different options available when it comes to smart microwaves. Some units can estimate the necessary cook time for what you’re heating up. You can also find smart microwaves that adjust their intensity automatically based on how well their contents are cooking, helping to prevent the dried out and rubbery texture that often comes from microwaving. Many smart microwaves can be controlled over Wi-Fi from your smartphone, and some even interface with virtual assistants like the Google Assistant or Amazon’s Alexa to allow voice commands as well.

Washers and Dryers

Smart washers and dryers are focused on saving you money, adjusting details like water level or dryer heat based on the size of your load to reduce energy costs. The ability to check their status and start or stop a cycle from a smartphone is also a big feature for smart washers and dryers, making it easier for you to control them without having to come back and check periodically to see if they’re still running. In many cases, the washer or dryer can even send an alert to your phone at the end of the cycle so that you know exactly when your clothes are ready.

Smart Refrigerators

Energy efficiency is a priority for smart refrigerators as well. In addition to more accurately measuring internal temperatures and working through cooling cycles more efficiently, some smart refrigerators are designed to maintain a more consistent internal temperature by reducing how often you open the door. A video screen in the door can be activated, turning on internal lights and a camera that shows you exactly what’s on the shelves. Depending on the model, these images can even be sent to a smartphone or accessed via an app so that you can get a clear view of what’s in the fridge while you’re at the store.

The Future Is Smart

Of course, these are only a few of the smart appliance options available to you. Smart air filtration systems, ice makers, blenders and more are available to help you live your best life while making your kitchen (and home) more efficient and easier to control. You can even get a Wi-Fi enabled version of your Instant Pot to give you easy control of what you’re cooking, regardless of whether you’re in the kitchen or not. As both these small appliances and larger smart appliances such as ovens and refrigerators become more common, consumers can expect even more connective versions of smart appliances moving into the future.

Getting Smart Your Way

If you’re ready to smarten up your home with some new appliances but aren’t sure where to start, let HomeKeepr help you find a consultant who can match you with the smart appliances you need. Sign up today to find consultants recommended by people you trust.

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Weeds, wildflowers, or invasive plants??

If you have plants popping up in your yard that you didn’t plant, your first instinct may be that it’s a weed. You very well might be right; after all, what are weeds except for unwanted plants? At the same time, it’s possible that you’ve got wildflowers growing on your property. Depending on your view of wildflowers, that could change things significantly.

Wildflowers can do a lot of good for bees and other local pollinators, giving a boost to your local ecosystem and adding some beauty to boot. If the flower is from an invasive species, though, even something useful can cause a lot of harm over time. How are you supposed to keep all of this straight, so you’ll know what to pull and what to leave alone?

All About Weeds

So what is a weed? It’s an unwanted plant, sure, but it is also a plant that will compete with your existing flowers and other plant life for resources. A good example of this is clover in your lawn. As time goes by, the clover out-competes the grass and largely takes over your yard. You’ll face similar problems with any weed if it manages to become established.

One of the things that makes weeds so competitive is that most of the time you can’t just pull them up and be done with them. Dandelions are typically considered a weed, and even if you pull up a dandelion early you’ll still see more in your yard. This is because they have deep root systems that continue growing even if the flower is pulled free. Really getting rid of weeds means figuring out what the weeds are and what the proper way to eliminate them is.

Weeds vs. Wildflowers

Some weeds (including the dandelions and clovers mentioned above) produce flowers and are usually frequented by bees and other pollinators. Despite this, they’re still considered weeds instead of wildflowers. So what’s the difference between the two?

The primary difference between weeds and wildflowers is how they grow. Weeds tend to spread once established, growing to consume as many additional resources as they can and spreading their seeds as far as possible. Wildflowers are not as aggressive with their growth, instead growing densely in an area and spreading out from that area at a slower pace. This is why wildflowers are not generally considered competitive with existing plants; they aren’t likely to overrun an area in a short period of time and are much easier to contain to a single area.

Invasive Plant Species

One thing to keep in mind is that both weeds and wildflowers can be considered invasive. For that matter, even some of the plants you buy at nurseries are considered invasive in some regions! An invasive plant species is one that is not native to the area, so other species aren’t able to compete with it as effectively as they would with plants that are native to the area.

This can be very problematic. Invasive species typically have different resource requirements than native species, so as they grow and spread, they may use resources in a way that shifts the balance of the local ecosystem. This shift can be very bad for local species, giving the invader a much stronger competitive advantage for those resources. In some cases, invasive species can actually eradicate native strains from the local area!

Identifying Unexpected Plants

If you want to promote the growth of wildflowers while getting rid of weeds and invasive plants, you need to learn to identify them. Search online to find out which weeds and invasive plants are common in your area, taking the time to search for images online so you can identify them even with slight variations in their appearances. There are also smartphone apps available that identify plants with a high degree of accuracy which you can use to identify weeds and invasive plants.

Another option is to take photos or clippings of the plants in question to your local agricultural extension office. They should be able to identify the plant for you and can also tell you whether it’s a weed or an invasive plant. If it needs to be removed, they can also provide suggestions for the most effective removal techniques.

Call in a Pro

If you’re not sure whether the plants in your yard are a burden or a boon, you might want to call in a landscaping professional to set things straight. HomeKeepr can help you to find the right pro for your needs with recommendations you can trust, so sign up today to get your yard in top shape!